Blog #5 — Next Steps

Ana Posa
2 min readApr 20, 2021

Social media is now a normal everyday activity that billions of people across the globe, and it has quickly become one of our generation’s key characteristics. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are only a few of the social media sites that have changed the way people view, access, and exchange content. Many people from both sides agree that the government must effectively control social media censorship in order to achieve fairness. Some conservatives believe that Facebook, Instagram, google, etc.. are monopolies that are attempting to limit free speech, especially if they are conservative. Social media can and often is the predominant way in which they consume huge quantities of information, parts of their life, and news about the world, so if there is a bias or incorrect info is shared.

Not allowing free speech is a direct violation of the first amendment of the constitution. In the United States, the legislation and tradition severely limit the government’s ability to restrict expression on the internet. Congress has given tech giants extra rights by exempting them from any third-party responsibility for content that happens on their websites. The Supreme Court has ruled that private businesses are not protected by the First Amendment.Now I do not want all news sources to be free from bias, they should acknowledge it. Policy makers need to create an environment where the internet is a place where free speech is welcomed and big tech does not exploit. Breaking up big tech would not create a wider distribution of wealth. Competition is extremely important and breaking up big tech would allow more competition.

Moving forward I want to work with a local advocacy group so I can find other like minded people. Using Instagram or Facebook groups will make it easy. I also am highly interested in attending a peaceful protest as well. I live in New York City, which is a popular location. Due to the history of social media companies stealing and censoring information, I would advocate for the government to be somewhat involved. By the government regulating social media, they can work together to work for the public interests.

